虽然学校和俱乐部处于亏钱状态,不过我相信很快也能帮公司赚取一小部分的盈利。 公司预计未来3-5年 学校和俱乐部会贡献10%的盈利。本人是蛮看好的,无论房子经济好不好, 学校和俱乐部还是会对盈利有一点帮助。
回顾之前的文章,真是看好未来的发展。现在很多发展公司都在弄township 这个概念,比如 sunway 就达到了。
Matrix Concepts Expects Double-digit Growth
- The company’s property projects in Bandar Sri Sendayan (BSS) are expected to flourish in to a town centre, named Sendayan Icon Park, upon completion in seven to eight years. With 116 acres, there are ideas to develop a shopping mall, commercial units such as shophouses, a convention centre, a hospitality hotel, residential units and a medical facility.
- The medical facility — which will be built in BSS — will be retained by the firm to generate recurring income. The group also sees significant strides in value of the BSS township if it continues to garner notable names in the education space, such as KDU University College.
看来今年的双位数成长是势在必行了。去年全年盈利RM182,611 k , 今年首季就RM 115,449,下面3季节放缓我也不会太紧张了。
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